Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Visit from GP

Dr R came to visit Rachael to discuss her prescription drugs. Rachael asked the doctor if they were all necessary as she often feels unwell due to the large quantity of drugs that she is taking. 
Dr R advised that Rachael should stop taking Cetrizine. Dr R said that he would remove Dolperidone from the prescription as Rachael told him that she has not started taking it.
Dr R said to stop using Ibuprofen as it can cause stomach upset, he said to use Oramorph when in a lot of pain and paracetamol. 
Rachael can continue using Fastab and Lorazepam at the same dosage.
Rachael asked if she could stop taking Riluzole. Dr R said firmly that Riluzole should be used as it is beneficial to do so.
Rachael asked if she could split up her Mucodyne dosage as Mucodyne makes her feel hot, clammy and drowsy. Dr R said he would check and ring her later. Dr R phoned Rachael to say that she could split the dosage and take Mucodyne 4 times a day instead of 3 times a day.
Dr R said to take nebuliser and feed as prescribed.
Rachael wanted to discuss how to time taking her medications without rushing and squashing them in around her feed and NIV, shower and flushes but Dr R left.

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