Monday, 22 July 2013

Visit from Dr E, Lung clinic Specialist Nurse, Palliative Care Nurse and District Nurse

Rachael had a visit from her care team. D told Rachael that she had heard from the Board regarding Rachael's request for a Tracheoscopy.
The Board have refused Rachael's request for her staff to be trained prior to her having the procedure. They had insisted that Rachael's staff should be employed by an agency after the procedure was completed before they would be trained.
Dr E confirmed this and added that the whole procedure could involve Rachael being kept in hospital for 6 to 12 months. 
Rachael said that she was being forced to choose to die and said that under these circumstances she would choose not to have the procedure.
D said that she would send Rachael a copy of the letter and email regarding the Board's decision on the Tracheoscopy procedure, as long as the Board had no objection to her doing so.
Dr E then talked about what else could be done to help Rachael. After some discussion he said that he would personally contact Wheelchair Services to arrange a meeting with a wheelchair specialist Occupational Therapist. He will also contact a dietitian to meet with Rachael. He advised Rachael to stop taking the Salbutamol nebulisers if she found them too strong.
C gave Rachael a prescription for Difflam spray to help with her sore mouth.
The Scopoderm patches were discussed. Rachael was advised to cut them in half and/or to put them on her shoulders if they seemed too effective or strong.

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