Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Rachael is worried about her feed. She only really noticed it when she tried the little bottles during the day that she was still tasting it hours later. Since then it was really noticeable with the stronger two in one mix but even her usual feed taken overnight is smelling and tasting in the afternoon. 
The consistency of her saliva has changed or rather a new secretion has been added that is similar to feed. Rachael worries that she is not digesting it and she wonders if Domperidone could affect her digestive system. 
Rachael thinks it is more to do with MND shutting down her digestive system. Rachael is still losing weight.
Rachael needs her PAs to take it seriously so that she doesn't have to panic. Rachael wants her PAs to give her feed as routine.
Rachael needs proper advice from the dietitian. She was told that if she could not tolerate enough feed there is nothing they can do.

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