Monday 29 April 2013

Visit from Lung Clinic Nurse and Palliative Care Nurse

C and D visited Rachael to discuss her plans and wishes for her end of life treatment and care. They had a long discussion after which they agreed that C will visit Rachael once a fortnight to monitor her progress.
D will send a form for Rachael to fill in, in which she can specify her end of life wishes.
C is also going to send a form for Rachael to fill in. C will go through the completed forms with Rachael on her next visit. 
C and D will stay in regular contact with each other in order to monitor Rachael's progress.
C gave Rachael a prescription for Lansoprazole to help with her acid reflux. C said that she will contact Rachael's GP to ask her to add this to Rachael's prescription. C is also going to ask Dr G to visit Rachael regularly to monitor her progress.
C will also contact S Hospice to arrange another visit for Rachael. She is also going to contact a District Nurse Team Leader to see if a different branch of District Nurses could treat Rachael.
D recommended that Rachael uses the NIV as often as possible, especially when she is drowsy or tired.

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