Wednesday 21 November 2012

email from Speech Therapist

Rachael received an email from M regarding the stand for the My Tobii. She said that the mounting plate on the back of the device is called a Daessy (pronounced 'daisy'). The Rehadapt table that has been ordered for Rachael does not have the same plate on it. It is possible to take the mounting off the Rehadapt stand and put it on a Daessy stand but M's colleague, I, thinks that this might affect the overall strength and stability of the stand.
M feels that the stand that has been ordered from Inclusive Technology for Rachael is not the best one. She has found a more suitable stand which her manager has agreed to authorise the purchase of for Rachael and she will try to arrange a refund for the other one or use it for someone else.
M thinks that the vertical desk stand or the Daessy desk mount are suitable. Before ordering the stand M needs to confirm how adjustable in height and angle the stand needs to be for Rachael.
(2nd email)
M has spoken to Inclusive Technology. They are able to arrange a return of the Rehadapt stand and re supply a vertical desk stand with Daessy plate as a straight swap.
M will visit Rachael at a convenient time to collect the Rehadapt for return. 
M then asked Rachael if she is happy to have the replacement delivered directly to her. 
Rachael replied that she is happy to take delivery at home. She needs a stand with a little tilt. Ideally she would have one quite high up on a floor stand but she believes that they are much more expensive. She asked M if there is any chance she could put to.

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