Thursday, 14 October 2010

Email Received from MND Specialist Nurse

"Lindsay's theory is certainly one I would consider myself and would be an easy way to try and explain away some of the symptoms you describe. However, we are aware that in a small number of people affected by MND, the area of the brain responsible for planning and processing information and control of emotions can be affected. In some people, these changes are so slight, the symptoms are overlooked or indeed blamed on something else. We work very closely with the Cerebral Function Unit (Specialist Regional Memory Clinic) based here at Salford and would be happy to ask them to take a look at you following our discussions with you on the 20th if this is your wish. I acknowledge what a worry this must be for you, I think this email neither confirms or offers reassurance but pre-empts our discussions next week. (Perhaps to offer an explanation that this may be tied into the MND). Take care and don't hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss further in the next week." - Sam

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